Monday, January 30, 2006

Even more Popo-Zao Zen

Here is the link, in case you haven't figured out you can click on the title.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Peanut butter jelly wit a baseball bat

Some guys can groove to anything. And here's even further proof. What more do you need?

This stuff is tooooooooo funny, hamsterettes!

Friday, January 27, 2006

"Snack Hamster" corrige un error

En Inglés: Snack Hamster corrects an error.

I have it on the very best authority that the name of the candy from my earlier post is not properly translated as "elegant little box". To accurately say "small box", it would be cajita. At best, cajeta could be Mexican slang for nougat, which is what the candy maker claimed, but without a doubt, unless they planned to market the candy only to Mexicans ... it's not proper Spanish.

This PSA brought to you by Snack Hamster, who says: "Yo estaré sobrepeso pero, tú a cambio, eres feo y yo me puedo poner en dieta."

When Hamsters Compute

Hello friends and neighbors, Snack Hamster here. Here I am sporting my new hard drive.

Snack Hamster goes digital! (Yeah, I know. Too cute for words.)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

OK, this is like, totally lame, but I can dig it

I'm a Ferrari 360 Modena!

You've got it all. Power, passion, precision, and style. You're sensuous, exotic, and temperamental. Sure, you're expensive and high-maintenance, but you're worth it.

However, being ... er, small ... I can't rid myself of the image of Gizmo behind the wheel of a toy car in the movie Gremlins. Vroom!

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz. If you dare, and don't mind finding out you're a 1957 VW bug with a dead battery, cracked windshield, and rusted-out floorboards.

"Little box", indeed!

See #93. I'll bet she has a creamy nougat center, too. I'll take the entire "box", por favor.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Meme meme meme, that's all I ever hear!

I just heard from a friend that memes are a hoax.

He asked me to pass it on.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Speaking of idiots ... OMG!

Snack Hamster found this via I couldn't watch the video (too embarrassed), but the tune is catchy. Popo-zao!

No, not even a Snack Hamster can make up shit this good.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Working with idiots can kill you!

OK, so I know this isn't "for real". So what? Even if it ain't true, it sure feels true. (I especially like the phrase "drooling idiots" mentioned in the article. If nothing else, that gives it away.)

And no, Snack Hamster doesn't pretend that everything he posts is stuff he's made up. Life is my reality; I'm just reporting what I see. (Taken from: "More Mumbo-Jumbo New-Age Stuff You Can Quote And Sound Really Intelligent", page 37)

FAQ: Why Snack Hamster?

Well, beyond the obvious retort: "Why not?" the answer is simple:

Ask any corporate wage slave if they've ever felt like ... like ... like they were nothing more than a tasty morsel being served up to a cruel and heartless corporate god. Everyone of them will say: "Yea, verily, and doesn't it suck?"

But, sometimes it's better to simply give in and accept your fate. Embrace your fate. Celebrate your fate. We're all food for something. So why not just take pride in being food? Strive to be the best food, the most succulent food--the most happy food. Strive to be a jolly, fat snack hamster in the snake cage of life.

With apologies to Kansas: We're all just snack hamsters in the wind. *sniff sniff*

(Yes, it's real, dammit! I can't make up shit like this.)

Snack Hamster sez ...

Plan to be spontaneous at every opportunity.

I do.

Welcome to Snack Hamster

Welcome, friends, to Snack Hamster. I promise nothing, but deliver anything.

Stay tuned, if you dare.

One question, though. Should I be the Snack Hamster, or just call the blog Snack Hamster? Feedback is requested.