Friday, June 20, 2008

Followup post FTW

Turns out my post about that lady in Arkansas commenting on Daylight Saving Time was intentional comedy. Not legitimate. I'd tip my hat (if I only had one).

I been to Arkansas, and I believed it. Certainly plausible. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.

This concludes my posts today (three!). You may all carry on.

Two posts in one day?!? Say it isn't so!

All right. Maybe this isn't technically funny, but it gave me a chance to make up a sarcastic headline, and that has to be worth something.

Then again, maybe not. A friend once told me if I ever had an original idea it would die of loneliness. Or maybe I should say, an ex-friend. Hee.

"I mean really, who cares? Oh for God's sake. Don't you have anything better to do that read this column?"
Do I know what a rhetorical question is?

* From The Article, for those Interwebs-impaired folks.

Wonkavator lands, smashes five-year-old

Teh Interwebs, they be funny. But we all really know what the web is for, right? Just be sure to keep your virus definitions, personal firewall, script blocker, web browser, router, operating system, etc., etc., updated with the latest security updates and patches. Safe text, indeed.

The headline? Apropos of nothing. It just sounded funny™.